k. has decided to open a weblog on twoday.net. Because. The world needs to know about her chaotic life, her many projects (of the ongoing sort, as well as future plans), her fascination with things, and ... stuff.
She doesn't know yet if she'll care enough to communicate with the outside world though, for while she's sure the outside world will hear her (out), it's not clear if le monde extérieur is interesting enough to her to keep track of it.
But don't fear - k. knows very well what she's doing, as she's already gained experience in keeping an online journal, and she's quite aware of what the difference between communicating to the world and communicating with people is.
However, should you wish to awaken her interest in communicating with you, you're encouraged to pique her interest (by whatever means you deem necessary to accomplish this mission).
She accepts (and, more importantly, is able to grasp the content of) both messages written in German and English, and asks you to use the language you are more comfortable with. If you feel your English is a little rusty, you might prefer (and are encouraged) to stick to German, for there's nothing more tiresome than having to read texts that are bristling with grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes.
Yep. k. demands most things to be done a certain way; better yet, to be perfect.
She doesn't know yet if she'll care enough to communicate with the outside world though, for while she's sure the outside world will hear her (out), it's not clear if le monde extérieur is interesting enough to her to keep track of it.
But don't fear - k. knows very well what she's doing, as she's already gained experience in keeping an online journal, and she's quite aware of what the difference between communicating to the world and communicating with people is.
However, should you wish to awaken her interest in communicating with you, you're encouraged to pique her interest (by whatever means you deem necessary to accomplish this mission).
She accepts (and, more importantly, is able to grasp the content of) both messages written in German and English, and asks you to use the language you are more comfortable with. If you feel your English is a little rusty, you might prefer (and are encouraged) to stick to German, for there's nothing more tiresome than having to read texts that are bristling with grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes.
Yep. k. demands most things to be done a certain way; better yet, to be perfect.
k - am Samstag, 15. Mai 2004, 18:11 - Rubrik: An intro, of sorts.
Hr.Sargnagel meinte am 15. Mai, 18:32:
You won
a price in the cathegory "interests" of hirngerichtet :P
k antwortete am 15. Mai, 18:34:
I did?
And this means ... what exactly?
k antwortete am 15. Mai, 18:47:
Oh, wait!
Sorry, I'm still getting accustomed to this very blogging service - I didn't know what you were talking about right away, but I've figured it out now!So, thank you for your 'prize'!
Hr.Sargnagel antwortete am 15. Mai, 21:37:
mal wieder deutsch
war auch teilweise spaß/ groteske/ ironie, hab dich mal aboniert daher ;)